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DOS Batch File  |  1984-06-07  |  11KB  |  178 lines

  1. echo off
  2. a:
  3. cls
  4. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  5. echo      *                    JRB&W  DRIVER INSTALLATION                    *
  6. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  7. echo      *    IMPORTANT:  You MUST be using DOS Version 2.10 in order to    *
  8. echo      *            proceed with DRIVER installation                      *
  9. echo      *                                                                  *
  10. echo      *       MAKE SURE that the two DOS version messages that           *
  11. echo      *                   appear below MATCH exactly                     *
  12. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  13. echo      You are currently using:
  14. ver
  15. echo *
  16. echo      You MUST use:
  17. echo *
  18. echo IBM Personal Computer DOS Version  2.10
  19. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  20. echo      *        If the version numbers DO NOT MATCH, then                 *
  21. echo      *             terminate this batch job NOW!                        *
  22. echo      *              - Hold [Ctrl] and press "C"                         *
  23. echo      *              - Press "Y"                                         *
  24. echo      *   Otherwise . . .                                                *
  25. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  26. mtst
  27. pause
  28. cls
  29. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  30. echo      *                  JRB&W DRIVER INSTALLATION                       *
  31. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  32. echo      *       Be sure that you have read Using 1-2-3 with the PCjr       *
  33. echo      *    Make sure that the UTILITY DISK is in DRIVE A and that the    *
  34. echo      *    SYSTEM, PRINTGRAPH, TUTORIAL, and SYSTEM BACKUP are ready.    *
  35. echo      *    If this is NOT so, then terminate this batch job now:         *
  36. echo      *             - Hold [Ctrl] and press "C"                          *
  37. echo      *             - Press "Y"                                          *
  38. echo      *   Otherwise . . .                                                *
  39. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  40. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  41. pause
  42. cls
  43. echo       *----------------------------------------------------------------*
  44. echo       *                  JRB&W DRIVER INSTALLATION                     *
  45. echo       *----------------------------------------------------------------*
  46. echo          Installation takes only a few minutes even if you have
  47. echo          only 1 disk drive.  Be sure that your Lotus UTILITY DISK
  48. echo          is in Drive A, and that your other Lotus disks are
  49. echo          ready, with the WRITE-PROTECT TABS REMOVED.  The first
  50. echo          few steps of installation are the same, for both one drive
  51. echo          and two drive systems.  Later on in the installation you
  52. echo          will see specific instructions for systems with TWO DISK
  53. echo          DRIVES and SINGLE DISK DRIVES.  Follow the appropriate
  54. echo          instructions for YOUR system.   SINGLE DISK DRIVE
  55. echo          installation will require you to swap diskettes several
  56. echo          times.  The rules below will help you keep track of which
  57. echo          DISK should be in the drive at any time if you have a
  58. echo                     system with a SINGLE DISK DRIVE.
  59. echo  
  60. echo              When the "Insert disk for Drive A" message appears
  61. echo                  ALWAYS put the UTILITY DISK in the drive.
  62. echo              When the "Insert disk for Drive B" message appears
  63. echo                  ALWAYS put the "Target" disk in the drive.
  64. echo       *----------------------------------------------------------------*
  65. echo       *                     To continue.....                           *
  66. echo       *----------------------------------------------------------------*
  67. pause
  68. echo on
  69. copy    IBM0B&W.DRV    TD.DRV/V
  70. copy    IBM1JRGD.DRV   GD.DRV/V
  71. copy    IBM2JRKB.DRV   KB.DRV/V
  72. copy    IBM3PR.DRV     PR.DRV/V
  73. copy    JRUTINST.BAT   JRDOS.BAT/V
  74. echo off
  75. cls
  76. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  78. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  79. echo      *                                *        When the message         *
  80. echo      *        Place your              *  "Insert Diskette for Drive B:" *
  81. echo      *     1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK          *   appears after striking a key, *
  82. echo      *       in drive B.              *   insert the 1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK  *
  83. echo      *                                *   in the Disk Drive.  When the  *
  84. echo      *                                *  "Insert Diskette for Drive A:" *
  85. echo      *                                *   message appears, insert the   *
  86. echo      *                                *  UTILITY DISK in the Disk Drive.*
  87. echo      *                                *  Repeat this process until the  *
  88. echo      *                                *   next "Installation" message   *
  89. echo      *                                *            appears.             *
  90. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  91. pause
  92. echo on
  93. copy    ??.DRV        B:/V
  95. echo off
  96. cls
  97. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  99. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  100. echo      *                                *Place the 1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK aside*
  101. echo      *                                *        When the message         *
  102. echo      *        Place your              *  "Insert Diskette for Drive B:" *
  103. echo      *      PRINTGRAPH DISK           *   appears after striking a key, *
  104. echo      *       in drive B.              *   insert the PRINTGRAPH DISK    *
  105. echo      *                                *   in the Disk Drive.  When the  *
  106. echo      *                                *  "Insert Diskette for Drive A:" *
  107. echo      *                                *   message appears, insert the   *
  108. echo      *                                *  UTILITY DISK in the Disk Drive *
  109. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  110. pause
  111. echo on
  112. copy    ??.DRV        B:/V
  113. copy    JRPGINST.BAT  B:JRDOS.BAT/V
  114. echo off
  115. cls
  116. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  118. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  119. echo      *                                * Place the PRINTGRAPH DISK aside.*
  120. echo      *                                *        When the message         *
  121. echo      *        Place your              *  "Insert Diskette for Drive B:" *
  122. echo      *       TUTORIAL DISK            *   appears after striking a key, *
  123. echo      *       in drive B.              *     insert the TUTORIAL DISK    *
  124. echo      *                                *   in the Disk Drive.  When the  *
  125. echo      *                                *  "Insert Diskette for Drive A:" *
  126. echo      *                                *   message appears, insert the   *
  127. echo      *                                *  UTILITY DISK in the Disk Drive *
  128. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  129. pause
  130. echo on
  131. copy    ??.DRV   B:/V
  132. echo off
  133. cls
  134. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  135. echo      *           You may place the TUTORIAL DISK aside.                 *
  136. echo      *                                                                  *
  137. echo      *                IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY!                        *
  138. echo      *                                                                  *
  139. echo      *      The next step is for users who will be using 1-2-3 on       *
  140. echo      *      the PCjr. ONLY!  If you will be using 1-2-3 on both         *
  141. echo      *      the PCjr. AND a regular IBM PC or XT then abort             *
  142. echo      *      this step by striking [CTRL] and [C], then a [Y] now.       *
  143. echo      *      Put your 1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK BACKUP aside to be used on       *
  144. echo      *      your regular IBM PC or XT system.  This completes the       *
  145. echo      *                 DRIVER installation procedure.                   *
  146. echo      *                                                                  *
  147. echo      *      For DOS installation instructions, read the appropriate     *
  148. echo      *            section in "Using 1-2-3 with the PCjr".               *
  149. echo      *     If you are going to use 1-2-3 on the PCjr. ONLY then.....    *
  150. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  151. pause
  152. cls
  153. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  155. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  156. echo      *                                * Place your TUTORIAL DISK aside. *
  157. echo      *                                *        When the message         *
  158. echo      *        Place your              *  "Insert Diskette for Drive B:" *
  159. echo      *     1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK          *   appears after striking a key, *
  160. echo      *         BACKUP                 *   insert the 1-2-3 SYSTEM DISK  *
  161. echo      *       in drive B.              *     BACKUP in the Disk Drive.   *
  162. echo      *                                *        When the message         *
  163. echo      *                                *  "Insert Diskette for Drive A:" *
  164. echo      *                                *   message appears, insert the   *
  165. echo      *                                *  UTILITY DISK in the Disk Drive.*
  166. echo      *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  167. pause
  168. echo on
  169. copy    ??.DRV        B:/V
  170. copy    JRSBINST.BAT  B:JRDOS.BAT/V
  171. echo off
  172. cls
  173. echo              ..... End of driver installation procedure .....
  174. echo    For DOS installation instructions, see the appropriate section in
  175. echo                    "Using 1-2-3 with the PCjr"
  176. echo on